Casement Windows

Aluminium Casement Window - Go-To Aluminium

Side-hung casement windows

Aluminium Sidehung Casement Window - Go-To Aluminium

Top Hung Windows

Aluminium Tophung Windows - Go-To Aluminium

Horizontal Sliding Windows

Aluminium Sliding Windows - Go-To Manufacturer


GO-TO Door & Window manufactures Aluminium Windows right here in Pretoria. We manufacture strong premium-grade aluminium casement windows. If you’re looking for beautiful, dependable windows that offers long-lasting use, then our range of aluminium windows will suit your home perfectly. Our Aluminium Casement Windows includes various types and sizes. All of our aluminium windows come in standard sizes. However, we can also custom manufacture them to your specifications.

We’re confident that you’ll find the windows you need after viewing our extensive catalogue.


Our Aluminium top-hung windows are perfect for commercial or residential environments as they allow ventilation and unrestricted airflow. Aluminium Top Hung Windows are a type of window that can be fixed at an angle and opened horizontally. Due to their elegant design, these outward-opening aluminium windows—which may be utilized for both small and large window sizes—are frequently used in corporate centres, hotels, and retail malls. Thanks to the flexible scissors on both sides, the aluminium window gradually opens towards the outside. Aluminium Top Hung Windows are one of the most preferred window models in modern architecture with its classic design.

Give us a call, or visit us in Pretoria if you are interested in buying this type of Aluminium top-hung window. We do custom and standard sizes.




Aluminium Top Light Windows are generally attached to the top of our door options and provide more light and enjoyable views. They are usually fixed panel windows due to the height above the doors. Top lights can also be installed closer to the ceiling for higher walls.

The addition of aluminium sidelight windows to a door can go a long way in lightening up your entry space, improving your property’s air quality and bringing the outdoors in. Sidelight windows can be attached to the side of our GO-TO aluminium door ranges to provide more light and ventilation even when the doors are closed.


Try something different than traditional windows by installing sliding aluminium windows manufactured by GO-TO door and window. With sliding windows, you don’t lose any valuable space inside or outside as there is nothing projecting from the wall.

The Sliding Windows are available from 600 to 1500 in height. We manufacture the sliding windows in 2 panes up to 4 panes and in the following widths;

900            1800

1200          2100

1500          2400

Give us a call, or visit us in Pretoria if you are interested in buying this type of Aluminium Sliding door. We do customized and standard sizes.

We aim at building solid long-term relationships with our valued clients. Therefore, we ensure that the growth and success achieved through the ongoing quality of our service and products are mutually beneficial.

GO-TO guarantees that we have high-quality Aluminium doors and Aluminium windows to suit your needs, no matter how big or small the project.


GO-TO Door and Window Manufacturer is a member of SAGGA (South African Glass and Glazing Association) which is affiliated from AAAMSA (Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers of South Africa).

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GO-TO is a Aluminium Door and Window Manufacturer that has membership in SAGGA (South African Glass and Glazing Association) which is affiliated from AAAMSA (Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers of South Africa).

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Office – (012) 804-5416

Whatsapp – 066 475 2742

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday
7h30 - 16h30

7h30 - 16h00